Quality prevails in Equestrian Auctions Xmas edition!
The Christmas vibe and quality was set high with our fine selection of youngsters and embryos. In the end we are happy to have attracted some new clients and have made possible to put a smile on the face of some existing clients.
“It wasn’t our best online auction ever, transparency is key,” says Matthias Claeys. “The auction market is a bit saturated and you notice the effect. Nevertheless we are happy to have been able to connect buyers with new exclusive horses and embryos. Again it was proven quality always wins the ‘battle’.”
Highest price of the auction was set for the phenomenal jumping youngster, Dreamlinter JT Z. For 52.000 euro the 2 year old mare stays in Belgium.
Belgium Champion, Ermitage Kalone delivered the most expensive embryos. The future filly from Ermitage Kalone out of Julie De Pelsmaeker’s former GP-mare, Daloubette vd Krekebeke changed owner for 42.000 euro. For the ultra rare embryo by Chacfly PS, directly out of Inathina Van ‘t Ruytershof moves to the stables of Carlos Hank for 32.000 euro.